Every student can learn just not on the same day or in the same way. ~George Evans
Here is a helpful way to generate differentiated objectives for students. The Differentiator by Byrdseed.com is an interactive tool with a bank of suggestions to create differentiated learning objectives using: Thinking Skills, Content, Resources, Products, and Groups.
by Byrdseed.com |
- Thinking Skills: Use different verbs from Bloom's Taxonomy.
- Content: Focus on depth, complexity, imperatives (to increase student engagement), or key words. To bring in curricular content, you can click in the [click to edit] and type in curricular content.
- Resources: Identify whether you want students to use print copies of resources or online resources.
- Products: Choose products based on students learning styles: visual, construction (hands on), oral, multimedia, or written.
- Groups: Decide if students will work independently, in partners, in triads, or groups of 4.
When creating a differentiated lesson for students in any content area this tool might be helpful.