Summer Bloggin' ~ Two for Tuesday Week #2

Linking up with The Teaching Tribune for "Two for Tuesday." Today these two products will be 50% off in my  TpT shop.

Check out Place Value Wipe Out which provides tiered leveled recording sheets to target different readiness levels of students while learning about/reviewing place value. Developing an understanding of number sense and place value comes through many varied experiences. Have students RIDE THE WAVE while reinforcing the concept of place value.

Want to get your students thinking about money? Take a peek at Money Makes Cents. In this download you will find two activities, Money Grab and Don’t Break the Bank. Money Grab can be used with students who have a good understanding of coin values and demonstrate the ability to count coins. Don't Break the Bank can be used with students who have a good understanding of coin values. This activity is a way for students to review counting coins with some strategizing added to the mix.

Thanks for visiting Pam's Place. Looking for some other "Two for Tuesdays"? Stop by The Teaching Tribune to see what other bloggers have linked up!
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